
Adds hooks.

Hooks are added to the end of the hooks list. See getHooks method and hooks in plugins.


  1. hooks (array): Array of hooks.


  1. If event for any hook is not a string, it will throw an error Hook's event must be a string.

  2. If event for any hook doesn't begin with pre or post, it will throw an error Hook's event must start with 'pre' or 'post'.

  3. If handler for any hook is not a function, it will throw an error Hook's handler must be a function.


// assuming that you already have cache instance prepared
const hook1 = {
    event: 'preGetItem',
    handler: () => { ... } // some function that does something, not relevant here
const hook2 = {
    event: 'postSetItem',
    handler: () => { ... } // some function that does something, not relevant here

cache.addHooks([ hook1, hook2 ]);

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